| Father Izzie Hernandez

Where Are You Planted?

“Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:5a, 7)

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“Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.” Jeremiah says this so beautifully. Why is one cursed when trusting in human beings? Because they are not following the first commandment. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. If one is putting their trust in human beings and not God, then they are indeed like a barren bush in the desert. They experience no change in season and eventually die.

However, if one trusts God above all else, they are given life. Similar to a tree planted by a flowing stream. No matter the change in seasons, the ups and downs of life, the joys and suffering one endures, they have life and will never die. Life which comes from that water, who is God. The question then becomes whether or not you want to be cursed or blessed. I hope you choose blessed, because it entails life. A curse of course, entails death.

During this time of Lent, ask yourself where you are planted. Are you by the stream of water that is constantly being given life? Are you striving for holiness and following God’s commandments? Or maybe, maybe you are the barren bush planted in the desert that is slowly dying. Maybe you are falling into sin over and over again and you don’t know how to stop. If that’s the case, run as quickly as you can out of that desert, and find that life giving water, and plant yourself there. Maybe think about going to confession.

If you do, I promise you God will not disappoint.

Do you trust human beings or God? Are you planted in the barren desert or by the stream of water?

God, we ask you to draw us to that life giving water which only you can give us. May it nourish us and strengthen us to overcome our sinful inclinations. Amen.

Fr. IzzieFather Israel (Izzie) Hernandez has been ordained two years and is on his second assignment. A few things he loves to do is play sports and watch anime. As a priest, he loves journeying with couples to the sacrament of Matrimony, is passionate about our youth and young adult ministries and loves listening to Confessions. His current assignment is St. Paul's in Tampa.







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