| John Morris

True Treasure

"Then he said to the crowd, 'Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.'” (Luke 12:15)

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Money and treasure are common topics in the Bible. We read about kings and queens, family members and governments all coveting riches and power. Jesus addresses these issues many times. 

We open Luke’s Gospel today with the man requesting Jesus to have his brother share his inheritance. Jesus tells him, “Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?” Our Lord then shares a story of storing up the harvest. He reminds us that no matter how much we have stored up in food, treasures, and possessions, that none of it will get us to heaven. Man-made things are not what treasure is made of in the eyes of God. When all of us are called home, God is not going to look at our bank account to see how much we have stored up. Instead, God will look at what we have done and what we have not done in our lives. 

Have we been faithful to the Gospel? Have we treated others with kindness, respect, and loving others as we love ourselves? Have we shown the love of God through our actions, or have we been unkind, only thinking of ourselves? These are the things of which God will measure. Let us be responsible in the gifts God has bestowed on us and always love others as God would love us. For this is the greatest treasure of all!

How are you sharing your gifts and blessings with others?

Holy Spirit, guide me to help the lowly and needy before thinking of myself. Amen.

John MorrisJohn Morris is the Station Manager for Spirit FM, coming to work for WBVM in 1987.  John converted to the Catholic faith in 1999.  He and his wife Heidi have been members of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Land O’ Lakes since 2007.