A True Disciple
“What shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?” (Mark 10:17)
“What shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?” (Mark 10:17)
“What shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us a clear explanation of how to become a true disciple and inherit the Kingdom of God. The rich man in the story had “many possessions”, so he “went away sad.”
What are our possessions? It can be choices or decisions that we make each day over temptations. Jesus gives us many opportunities to build relationships with our loving God who loves us perfectly. Let us as the Holy Spirit to assist us in making the right choices each day.
What are our possessions?
Lord help me to choose to follow you each day. Amen.
Sr. Sherly Vazhappilly, F.S.S.E, was born and raised in India by her parents and three brothers. She entered the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth and received her Perpetual Vows in 1998. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in English and master’s degree in educational leadership, shetaught in Montessori Early Childhood, Elementary, middle school, and served as an assistant principal. She currently works as the Vicar for Religious and Associate Director of Vocations at the Diocese of St. Petersburg. She loves reading the Bible and watching baseball (Go Rays!). She loves the motto of St. Francis “Preach the Gospel at all times; Use words when necessary.”
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