The Strength of the Eucharist
"Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." (Luke 1:14-21)
"Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." (Luke 1:14-21)
Today's scriptures encourage us to be all that we can be—the desires of our heart at the inmost part of our existence long to be valued. The first reading uplifts us to not be saddened for rejoicing will be our strength. In the second reading, Saint Paul ensures that every piece of the Body of Christ is necessary for the body to be healthy or we can say, most beautiful. In the Gospel, Jesus returns to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.
With Christ, we live in the power of the Spirit of God's love. We magnify this by centering our lives in the Liturgy, in the reception of Holy Communion. The Eucharist is our strength, Jesus is our grace, and with Him living in us we can open the scroll to bring His Word, His presence to the world.
My spiritual father, Saint Peter Julian, found in his gift of self the way to become an imitation of Jesus Christ.
"So that you can live this life of sacrifice about which we have spoken, strength is needed. We cannot find it in ourselves who are but weakness and misery, but we will find it in the Eucharist. So that the Eucharist can be our strength, it must become the dominant attraction of our lives, the intention of all our actions; in a word, we do nothing but by it and for it." Saint Peter Julian Eymard, 1858.
Are we confident in Jesus' message that He has fulfilled the old law and has made all things new?
"Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength!" (Nehemiah 8: 8-10) Amen.
Laura Catherine Worhacz is a Lay Associate of the Blessed Sacrament daily communicant at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Holiday, FL. She is the Director of Communication and Stewardship at her parish. Also, the Director of the Mothers of the Blessed Sacrament Cenacle of Prayer. Author of Consecration to Jesus through Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, 33 Days with St. Peter Julian Eymard, Apostle of the Eucharist, and co-founder of Elisheba House, a non-profit Catholic Media Apostolate whose mission is to make the love of God greater known in the Eucharist. Laura’s passion is Liturgy. Mother of two adult daughters and loving wife to Raymond, 33 years of the Sacrament of Marriage. She loves to cook, garden, read, and prayerfully support all who need intercession.