| Brittany DeHaan

Rely on God

"For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God." (Mark 10:27)

In the current age of needing to be a “girlboss” and the world telling us we should do everything ourselves and rely on no one, it can be incredibly difficult to rely on God and recognize that He is in control.

In my life lately, I’ve really come to see just how much we must rely on God in our lives. God has been leading me so much deeper to himself and deeper into my own woundedness and it hasn’t been easy. Healing is painful. In this, I’ve seen just how much my own strength isn’t enough on its own. I have to rely on the Lord and see that it’s not just my strength, but His as well. It’s impossible without God’s help, but as our Gospel says today, all things are possible for God.

This goes for everything. Whether it’s something as small as trusting in God’s providence when something doesn’t work out or trusting in His mercy in confession. Something “impossible” like being forgiven for our sins is only possible for God and it takes a trust and reliance on the Lord.

How can I recognize that even when I feel weak, God can do anything?

God, please help me to remember that it is never my own strength, but yours as well. Help me to see how you are working in every situation. Amen.

Brittany DeHaanBrittany DeHaan grew up in San Antonio, Texas and attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for college. She taught at a Catholic elementary school in Iowa for a year before moving to Florida in 2021. She taught at St. Paul Catholic School in St. Petersburg for two years before joining the pastoral center where she is currently the Communications Coordinator. She is passionate about her faith and loves to be involved in the diocese. She loves music, art, playing sports, and livestreaming Geoguessr in her free time.