| Father Connor Penn

Real Faith

"But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8)

Click here for the daily readings.

I find these above words of Jesus a bit harrowing. 

"Jesus, I think I have faith," I tell myself. 

But what does faith really look like? 

  • faith means choosing not to run that yellow light because God will get me to my destination in His time 
  • faith means tipping my barber a bit extra for Thanksgiving or Christmas because God is never outdone in generosity 
  • faith means whether I'm satisfied or dissatisfied with the recent election results I surrender all concerns with our country's future over to God because He is in control

How is my faith?

Lord, increase my faith! Amen.

Father Connor PennFather Connor Penn is parochial vicar at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Lutz. Ordained in 2020, Fr. Penn briefly studied journalism before entering the seminary. Fr. Penn grew up in Temple Terrace, attending Corpus Christi Catholic School and later Jesuit High School.