| Charmaine Carter


"Jesus went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him. He appointed Twelve, whom he also named Apostles, that they might be with him and he might send them forth…" (Mark 3:13-15)

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What would I have done if Jesus had called my name — if, of all the people following him, Jesus summoned me? Would I have frozen, held my breath, swallowed hard, and then slowly stepped back and hid behind someone else? Or would I, feeling unworthy yet honored, popped my head up, quickly moved forward, and shouted, “PRESENT!”?

Jesus summons each of us every day. Every morning he allows us to wake up is another opportunity to live out our lives in relationship with him and to carry out his will in our lives. He gave the Twelve grace, power, and authority for their specific missions. Each day he gives each of us grace, power, and authority to reflect and carry his light into the world, and to be his heart to share his love, his mouth to speak his words, his feet to go where he sends us, and his hands to do his will.

Today we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales who was also summoned by Jesus. He is known as ‘the Gentleman Saint’ because he served as Jesus’ heart, voice, hands and feet as he addressed with gentleness and patience the divisions in the Church that stemmed from the Protestant Reformation.

We are not summoned to be one of the Twelve. We are not summoned to be St. Francis de Sales. We are each summoned to be who Jesus has called us to be. We are uniquely prepared to fulfill his will in each of our lives daily using the gifts and talents with which he graced us.

Do I answer ‘PRESENT!’ every day Jesus’ summons me to be with him, to carry him into the world, and to do his will?

St. Francis de Sales, pray for me that I may imitate you as you imitated Christ with all gentleness and patience as I live out my discipleship as priest, prophet, and king. Amen.

CharmaineCharmaine Carter, MD is a retired physician, now serving as the Director of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. She became Catholic 16 years ago along with her husband Deacon John Carter and their 3 children. She holds a Master of Theology from Saint Leo University, and she is a Spiritual Director, having trained at the Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spirituality. On any given day, you will find her studying and/or teaching Sacred Scriptures, which are her passions.