Preparing to Bear Fruit
"Jesus told his disciples a parable, 'Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.'" (Luke 6:39-40)
"Jesus told his disciples a parable, 'Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.'" (Luke 6:39-40)
In our Gospel today, Jesus tells many parables that teach how to conduct our lives. He first cautions us not to follow those who are spiritually blind. Second, he says we should be careful not criticize others when we are not pure ourselves. Third, He warns that if our hearts are not properly prepared, our actions will never bear good in the world.
Our Old Testament reading today reflects these ideas. Sirach tells us that we should ”think before we speak” since our unprepared minds and hearts may hurt others or bring ourselves to ruin.
The Letter to the Corinthians tells us why: the work of the Lord is only good, and all sin is apart from Him. If we have not properly prepared our minds, hearts, speech, and actions, how can we do God’s work in the world? As Jesus says, a good tree bears good fruit, but a rotten tree will not.
Today, Jesus tasks us to be gardeners of His holy mission. Like Adam in the Garden, God asks us to care for His creation and bear proper fruit.
As Lent draws near, what ways can we remove the weeds and thorns from our lives to better allow God to bear fruit? What serpents do we need to look out for that tempt us away?
Lord, help me to purify myself so that I can bear good fruit. Amen.
David Wicklin currently attends St. Catherine of Siena parish in Clearwater. After moving to Florida after college, he became involved in the young adult ministry and currently assists in teaching confirmation classes. He enjoys studying the bible and philosophy and hopes this daily ministry will assist in fostering that love in others.
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