| Father Lucius Amarillas

A New Way of Life

"Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy." (Leviticus 19:2)

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As one tries to patiently read, pray, meditate, and contemplate the Book of Leviticus, one becomes discouraged by the length of the book and the seemingly dense or not as exciting as the books surrounding the text. However, if we follow today’s first reading carefully, we may find the profound message therein. Specifically, God is not merely trying to control us with His commandments but is instead challenging us to be different or holy like Himself!

Jesus gives us a living example of being different, primarily through unselfishness, to the point where today’s Gospel challenges us to be unselfish in deeds before our thoughts.

During this joyful season of Lent, why not consider whether I am being different?  The Lord calls us to be like Him, and that is not done by repeating the same sins but by choosing a new way of life.

My Lord and my God, have mercy on us and help us be like Yourself. Amen.

Fr. LuciusFather Lucius Amarillas, O.S.B. is a monk and priest of the Order of Saint Benedict at Saint Leo Abbey, Florida, where the Benedictine monks have worked and prayed since 1889. Fr. Lucius serves as University Chaplain and Adjunct Professor of Theology at Saint Leo University. Along with ministering to the Saint Leo community, Father Lucius also ministers throughout the United States, preaching retreats to laity, clergy, and consecrated religious.







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