| Father Connor Penn

Listen to Him

"This is my chosen Son; listen to him." (Luke 9:35)

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A recent study determined that the average American spends 4 hours each day consuming audio content from music, podcasts, audiobooks, and TV shows.

Speaking only for myself, that still seems low! Whether preparing dinner, folding laundry, or even brushing my teeth, I constantly try to put something "on" in the background. 

Yet how much time do I spend each day listening to Jesus (what we would call "prayer")? 

That's the command from the Lord God to the three apostles in today's Gospel: "listen to him." 

Imagine a pie chart of your day with time spent listening to Jesus compared to time spent listening to everything else. 

Would the Time Spent Listening to Jesus part of the pie be more than just a tiny sliver?

Jesus, I want to listen to you more this week. Amen.

Fr. PennFather Connor Penn is parochial vicar at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Lutz. Ordained in 2020, Fr. Penn briefly studied journalism before entering the seminary. Fr. Penn grew up in Temple Terrace, attending Corpus Christi Catholic School and later Jesuit High School. 





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