| Jasmine Pujol

Leading to the Healer

"Jesus said to them in reply, 'Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.'" (Luke 5:31-32)

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How many times have you heard someone say that the church is “filled with hypocrites”? Maybe you’ve even believed it yourself. Often, this perception comes from the way some Christians behave. But in truth, isn’t the church more like a hospital for sinners, where all are in need of the Physician?

This is why we must be mindful of how we live and evangelize. We are called to walk humbly, remembering that we are sinners, not judges. When sharing our faith, let us be careful not to condemn but to bring the good news with grace. Our role is to introduce others to the Physician, Jesus, to show them His love and how He truly sees them—just as we have experienced His love ourselves.

When the Lord speaks to us, He does not do so with harshness or condemnation, but with gentleness, love, and truth. Let us then do the same with our neighbors.

Do you regard others as beloved children of the Lord? How can you love those you meet so that they see Christ in you?

Jesus, this Lent, teach us your ways and help us walk in your truth. Amen. (Psalm 86:11)

JasmineJasmine Pujol is the Administrative Assistant for the Office of Vocations of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. Prior to joining the Office of Vocations, Jasmine served in our Diocese for nine years as a Youth Minister to middle and high school teens. The gifts and talents she has developed throughout those years have come to be utilized in a new way for the Office of Vocations. Jasmine loves Jesus, coffee, hammocking, visiting Florida rivers/springs, and spending time with her family.





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