| John Morris

Keeping the Proper Focus

"For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled." (Luke 1:44-45)

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Most of us would be disappointed if we missed Christmas. We have memories of a joyous time with our family and loved ones. The house and tree are decorated, and the stockings are overflowing with treats. But for whatever reason you missed it. 

In Luke's Gospel today, we find Mary visiting her relative, Elizabeth. Elizabeth is pregnant with John the Baptist, while Mary is carrying Jesus. When Elizabeth greets Mary, the unborn child John, leaps for joy. John was so excited about his Savior’s presence that he could not contain himself. He did not want to miss the coming of the savior Jesus.

There are events in our lives that we don’t want to miss. A child’s first steps, their first day of school, their graduation day, their wedding. Remember when the solar eclipse was seen across the country? Many stopped what they were doing to see it. But some missed it because things got in the way. They became distracted. Christmas is almost here, and one of the most distracting things about the season is all the planning and making things “just right.” 

When you go to church this weekend, instead of thinking about the food, entertaining the family, or assembling presents, focus on the gift of Jesus. Do not get caught up in the minutia of things being perfect. If you do, you might just miss the entire reason for the season.

What can I do to focus on the reason for the season and not be distracted by secular trappings?

Lord, help me always focus my eyes and heart on you and not worldly things. Amen.

John Morris

John Morris is the Station Manager for Spirit FM, coming to work for WBVM in 1987.  John converted to the Catholic faith in 1999.  He and his wife Heidi have been members of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Land O’ Lakes since 2007.