| Deacon Mike Sweeney

Keep Your Eyes on Him

"This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah." (Luke 11:29)

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There are several instances in the Gospels where we can relate to someone's weak faith. Peter started walking on the water, but then his faith weakened and he started to sink.

In Rembrandt's "Storm on the Sea of Galilee", there are two types of men in the boat with Jesus. Those who are concerned with the storm, and you see panic on their faces, and those with their eyes on the Lord, and you see calm on their faces.

If you hunger for a sign, if your faith is in need of strengthening, or you're in a storm, keep your eye on the Lord. You are not sinking. The storm will not take you. Turn to the Lord, and gain your strength. Start with a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Aside from receiving Him in Holy Communion, there is probably no better way to strengthen your faith in Him than to visit Him in Adoration.

Have you put your trust in the Lord completely, or are there times when you seek a sign?

Lord, help me turn to you, especially in my times of weakness. Guide me to trust you completely. Amen.

Deacon Mike SweeneyDeacon Mike Sweeney is a Deacon at St. Stephen in Riverview, is on the staff of Spirit FM 90.5, and also serves as a Chaplain for Hillsborough County Fire Rescue. He and his wife Deanna moved from New York in 2019.