Heavy Sleeper
“Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’” (Mark 4:38)
“Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’” (Mark 4:38)
We all know someone who is a heavy sleeper- maybe it’s you, your spouse, or another family member, but we all know someone who could sleep through literally anything. Every time I hear this passage, I have to chuckle a little at the fact there’s a storm going on and Jesus is just taking a nap.
Additionally, this gives a great insight to the kind of disposition we should have. I desire to consistently have the kind of trust that would allow me to lie down next to Jesus and simply rest while the storms of life swirl around me. I desire to always deeply trust that he is not going to let me be harmed in whatever difficulty is going on.
Jesus admonishes the disciples’ lack of faith, but I can’t help but notice he still calmed the storm for them. We, too, can trust that Jesus will listen when we call upon him, even if we are doing so out of a lack of trust, even if we’re unnecessarily freaking out.
Do I trust that Jesus is with me through every difficulty? Do I have faith in God’s plan?
Lord Jesus, help me to deepen my trust in you and to rest in your peace and love, especially when I am surrounded by difficulties. Amen.
Brittany DeHaan grew up in San Antonio, Texas and attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for college. She taught at a Catholic elementary school in Iowa for a year before moving to Florida in 2021. She taught at St. Paul Catholic School in St. Petersburg for two years before joining the pastoral center where she is currently the Communications Coordinator. She is passionate about her faith and loves to be involved in the diocese. She loves music, art, playing sports, and livestreaming GeoGuessr in her free time.