| Father Alex Padilla

Heavenly Fire

"When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, 'Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?' Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village." (Luke 9:54-56)

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Fire is a fascinating phenomenon. On the one hand, it consumes, wounds, destroys, ravages; on the other, it cleanses, heals, creates, forges. It is at once a natural force that cannot be controlled as it spreads, and yet it may be harnessed and given tremendous focus by man. Some work to fight it; others work to utilize it. It is the cause of ruin for many of man's failed endeavors, yet it is also the cause of or aid to some of man's greatest achievements.

Indeed, fire not only has great power, but it is great power. And, in this passage, it represents not only power in itself, but the use thereof.

James and John, the "Sons of Thunder," seek to use fire - to use power - to destroy, even if their intentions are well-meaning. Firstly, the power is not theirs to use; they erroneously believe that they can call the powerful fire down from heaven, the realm of God, for their own purposes. Secondly, they seek to use this power in a way contrary to its purpose. True power - the only authentic power that exists - comes from our all-powerful God, and He shares it only so that it may be exercised in building up His Kingdom. Any use thereof which is contrary to God's intended purpose is, therefore, only inauthentic and invalid. Such a use only destroys, as it lacks the creative force of the Spirit, the "Ruah Elohim".

James and John eventually came to understand the true fire - the true power - which Christ gave them. Thenceforth, they sought not to destroy, but to set the world - and hearts - on fire with Christ's love. Would that we all learn the same lesson.

How am I setting the world on fire with Christ's love and building up the Kingdom of God?

Almighty God, set my heart aflame with a burning passion to love and serve your people. Amen.

Father PadillaFather Alex Padilla is a priest of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. He currently serves as a Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, in Pastoral and Sacramental Care at St. Joseph (St. Petersburg), and part time in the Tribunal Office.