| Father Izzie Hernandez

He is with Us

"Therefore, the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel.”  (Isaiah 7:14)

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What greater sign is there, than Emmanuel? That is to say, “God is with us!” Growing up, in elementary school I was in choir, I joined the band in middle school, and played high school sports. What I realized later in life, was that my parents were always there for every recital, every concert, and every game I had. Why is this important? Well, because not every child has that kind of support from their parents. For me, my parents presence meant the world to me. It was a sign that meant, “They were with me!”

It is no wonder that God sends his “Only Begotten Son” to be with us. God recognized a need to have a visible sign for all of humanity, past, present, and future, that “He is with us!” He wanted to make Himself more real, more tangible, and more knowable. Therefore, what he chooses to do, is become human himself. He does it by sending His Son into the world, to be a sign that “He is with us!” Although we do not get to see Jesus walking amongst us, like the Apostles did, we still have many signs that “Jesus is with us!”

What are they? How about the seven sacraments, which are visible signs of the invisible reality of God. They are how God makes himself more present, more tangible, more knowable. How about the fact that you and I exist, that our bodies function perfectly despite how complex they are, that miracles are still happening, and that the Church is still standing. God is truly with us! And if you are looking for a sign, look no further than the “ONLY” Church that was established by God Himself, and not by humans.

Have I found Emmanuel or am I still looking for him? If I am still looking, maybe I need to turn my gaze to the Church Jesus established.

God, I pray that the Church your son Jesus Christ established becomes a good enough sign for your children, allowing them to see “EMMANUEL!” Amen.

Fr. IzzieFather Israel (Izzie) Hernandez has been ordained two years and is on his second assignment. A few things he loves to do is play sports and watch anime. As a priest, he loves journeying with couples to the sacrament of Matrimony, is passionate about our youth and young adult ministries and loves listening to Confessions. His current assignment is St. Paul's in Tampa.