| Fr. Connor Penn


"In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is..." (Galatians 5:22)

Click here for the daily readings.

Have you been baptized? If so, you have received God's Spirit (the Holy Spirit)! 

Today, St. Paul lists 9 fruits that indicate the presence of this Spirit; from the list below (taken right from today's First Reading at Mass), take a moment and rate (on a scale of 1-10) how present each fruit is in your life: 

  • Love 
  • Joy 
  • Peace 
  • Patience 
  • Kindness 
  • Generosity 
  • Faithfulness 
  • Gentleness
  • Self-control

Which fruit did you score the lowest?

Holy Spirit, how might I show forth more of this fruit in my life? Amen.

Fr. Connor PennFather Connor Penn is parochial vicar at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Lutz. Ordained in 2020, Fr. Penn briefly studied journalism before entering the seminary. Fr. Penn grew up in Temple Terrace, attending Corpus Christi Catholic School and later Jesuit High School.