Following the Laws
"Then he said to them, 'The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.'” (Mark 2:27-28)
"Then he said to them, 'The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.'” (Mark 2:27-28)
The Pharisees felt challenged by Jesus. The people began to follow him which seemed to defy the church authorities and their rules. In today’s Gospel account from Mark, we find Jesus and his disciples walking through a field picking grain and eating it as they moved across the field. They weren’t harvesting, just casually picking grain here and there. It would be like walking through an apple orchard and picking one fruit to eat as you walked. His followers were hungry, but they didn’t work in the field. But that’s not how the Pharisees saw it. They confronted Jesus about breaking the sabbath law regarding work. Jesus rebukes them by saying the Son of Man makes the rules, not the Pharisees.
We occasionally can get caught up in rules of the Church and gestures in Mass and can miss the meaning or intent of the reason to worship or pray in the first place. “You said the rosary wrong,” or “The bells at the Eucharist didn’t ring right, so is the mass valid?” These questions and many others have been asked over the years. Guidelines and rules have their place to aid in worship but always remain focused on the reason we worship so that you might grow closer to our Lord.
How am I worshipping and obeying God's laws in all I do?
Lord, help me to grow in understanding and wisdom of you and not the trappings of our society. Amen.
John Morris is the Station Manager for Spirit FM, coming to work for WBVM in 1987. John converted to the Catholic faith in 1999. He and his wife Heidi have been members of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Land O’ Lakes since 2007.