Expanding Our Circle
“Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” (Mark 2:16)
“Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” (Mark 2:16)
In his daily devotional, pastorrick.com, Pastor Rick Warren once said, “God wants you to have non-believers as friends. He wants you to love everyone, show kindness to everyone, and help everyone you can. If you don’t have any non-Christian friends, you won’t be around anyone you can share the Good News with.”
As Jesus began his public ministry and gathered his first disciples, he sat shoulder-to-shoulder with people that the well-respected Pharisees avoided. When he was questioned about the company he kept and the reputation of those he invited into his home, he responded by saying that the “tax collectors and sinners” were exactly the ones who needed him the most.
By getting to know those whose backgrounds are far different from our own, instead of only spending time with like-minded people, we can broaden our own perspectives and better understand the needs, desires, challenges, joys, and sorrows of others.
How can I “expand my circle” of friends to include those with whom I might feel a bit uncomfortable?
Lord, open my eyes, that I may more clearly understand the viewpoints of others. Amen.
Deacon Rick Wells was ordained for the Diocese of St. Petersburg in 1997. A former Methodist, he was received into the Catholic faith in 1988. He currently works as Chancellor for the Diocese and serves at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Clearwater. Deacon Rick and his wife Barbara have been happily married for 35 years.