| John Morris

Courageously Standing in Our Faith

“Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this faithless and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:38)

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At the end of the 8th chapter of Mark’s Gospel, the author presents the challenge for being a disciple for Christ. The passage talks about the denial of oneself, picking up his cross, and following Jesus. He later goes on to address the shame we will face if we deny even knowing him. 

We recall during Jesus's passion, his most trusted friend, Peter, denied knowing him. Peter is probably all of us at some level. I can recall times that I denied knowing Jesus or felt some level of guilt or fear in professing my faith. This occurred many times in my younger years. As I have aged, I have felt more courageous in my stand. Yet there are times where I have been challenged, where I could not find the right words to express my belief, especially where the social media climate can be so judgmental and argumentative. 

Close friends and family can even cause trepidation. When my time on this earth is done, I cannot bear the look on the face of our Lord if he looks at me in shame. This is where we can look to the saints and holy martyrs who stood firm in their love and public commitment to Christ. We must use them as a model for our unwavering devotion and love of Jesus Christ and his Church. May we continue our daily walk of conversion with a steadfast public commitment to Christ. Lord may your will be done, not mine.

What will you do to overcome your fears when you are challenged to proclaim God as Lord of all?

Give me the words, Holy Spirit, to stand for the faith in all circumstances, just as the Holy Martyrs did. Amen.

John MorrisJohn Morris is the Station Manager for Spirit FM, coming to work for WBVM in 1987. John converted to the Catholic faith in 1999. He and his wife Heidi have been members of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Land O’ Lakes since 2007. 






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