Conversion of My Heart
"Do not say, 'His mercy is great; my many sins he will forgive.' For mercy and anger alike are with him; his wrath comes to rest on the wicked. Do not delay turning back to the LORD, do not put it off day after day." (Sirach 5:6-7)
"Do not say, 'His mercy is great; my many sins he will forgive.' For mercy and anger alike are with him; his wrath comes to rest on the wicked. Do not delay turning back to the LORD, do not put it off day after day." (Sirach 5:6-7)
"Do not seek to experience consolation, rather ask for the grace of conversion." These were the words spoken to me and 20 other diocesan vocations directors as we entered into a 5 or 8 day silent retreat. Don't look for comfort or consolation in this retreat, rather turn back to Him, look for conversion of your heart and ask for that grace.
How frequently you and I can leave Mass, a retreat or our personal prayer time frustrated or feeling distant from the Lord. I wonder if it is because rather than seeking to be converted more to Him we've sought the fruits of a conversion--consolation. May you and I embrace the reality that we are called to be converted again and again before the Lord, to ask for that grace of a change of our lives trusting that the fruit of that conversion is the consolation which we yearn for.
How often do I seek consolation from the Lord instead of conversion?
Jesus, I give you permission to convert my heart. Amen.
Fr. Chuck Dornquast is a son of St. Joseph Parish in Zephyrhills. After graduating from Zephyrhills High School he entered seminary where he would spend the next 9 years. While in seminary he spent time at many of our diocesan parishes and discovered more and more the heart of Christ the High Priest within him. After ordination he spent his first 4 years of priesthood as the associate pastor of St. Lawrence in Tampa. He currently serves the Diocese of Saint Petersburg as the Director of Vocations.
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