| Francesca Bauer

A Change in Priorities

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)

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I spent most of my wedding day crying. Thanks be to God, not because anything went wrong… the only notable “accident” was that the ring bearer, my two-year-old nephew, decided to walk down the aisle with all the flower girl baskets.

But the day was still extremely emotional. I’ve always had a very strong relationship with my parents, and they allowed me to live with them through law school and wedding planning. So that morning after I got ready, put on my dress, and looked at my mom and dad… I realized that it was the last day I’d wake up in my bed at my parents house. And as much as I love my husband, the thought of leaving my parents ripped me up.

Today’s first reading was also the first reading at our wedding. A reminder to both of us that we must prioritize our vocation. For me, that meant not over-booking myself with freelance gigs and social events. Practically, it also meant not living with my parents and seeing them every day but living with my husband and seeing my parents less often. It is change, but it is good.

While this reading applies to most marriages, it also applies to one’s commitment to their faith. When you commit to your faith, it does not necessarily mean leaving everything in the past, but it always means prioritizing your relationship with God. Perhaps that means still sleeping 8 hours but going to bed earlier so that you have time to pray before you go to work. Perhaps it means slowing down your Sunday and making it a true sabbath day to spend in conversation with God. Not leaving your past behind you but finding time to prioritize God within it, and welcoming the change that it may bring.

What changes can I make to prioritize my commitment to my faith?

Lord, help us to prioritize you every day. Amen.

FrancescaFrancesca Bauer is a Tampa native who has been listening to Spirit FM her whole life. Through God's grace, she realized her passion for ministry through her internship at Spirit FM in 2018. When not at the station, you can find Francesca working as the Director of Planned Giving for the Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Life Teen Mass Musician and Core Team Member at St. Jerome's Catholic Church in Largo, or hanging out with her new husband.