Becoming Instruments of God's Healing
"And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him and shout, 'You are the Son of God.'” (Mark 3:11)
"And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him and shout, 'You are the Son of God.'” (Mark 3:11)
In today’s Gospel, we are drawn into a vivid scene of desperation and hope. Crowds of people press forward, yearning for healing and restoration. They had heard of Jesus’ power and seen lives transformed, and now they dared to hope: Could He heal me, too?
Jesus does not turn them away. Instead, He stands among them as the source of life and healing. With each touch and each word, He restores bodies and hearts, offering a glimpse of the Kingdom where brokenness has no place.
This same longing for healing is alive today. It is in the silent tears of a grieving parent, the tired eyes of the overburdened, and the unseen pain carried in so many hearts. Jesus still calls to us, inviting us to come to Him in faith and to trust in His power to heal and restore.
As followers of Christ, we are also called to carry His compassion into the world. Who in your life is crying out for healing? A neighbor longing for connection, a friend battling despair, a stranger needing kindness? Reach out and share the love and hope you have received. Volunteer, listen, comfort, act. In every small gesture of mercy, we become instruments of Christ’s healing.
Let us seek Jesus and reflect on His compassion, spreading the Good News that His love continues to heal the world, one heart at a time.
Who is yearning for healing in my life, and how might I reflect Jesus’ compassion to that person?
Lord Jesus, help me to seek you with faith and share your compassion with those in need. Amen.
Deacon John Carter was ordained in 2017. He serves at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. At the Cathedral, he serves in the Adult Faith Formation ministry with his wife Dr. Charmaine Carter. They have 3 children. He also serves in the Cathedral’s Bereavement ministry. As part of the Diaconate formation program, Deacon John obtained his Master of Theology from Saint Leo University. He is also an attorney and runs a law practice in St. Petersburg.