| Brittany DeHaan

Be Shepherded

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“His heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36-38)

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Priests are unfortunately so often seen as people who simply celebrate Mass and nothing more. We are all God’s sheep, and he entrusts us to our priests as their flock so that not only can they lead us, but we can also be sent.

It’s fitting that we think about our priests as we celebrate the memorial of St. Vincent de Paul, a great priest who knew how to minister to and love those around him.

Beyond the sacraments, priests have altered the course of my spiritual life in ways I never knew were possible. They have truly guided me in their flock. From the priest who welcomed me on my first day of college, to the priest who reached out to me because he hadn’t seen me at Mass in a while during a time I had stopped going, to the priest in our diocese who has become my incredible and invaluable spiritual director, so many priests have truly led me to the heart of the Father through their words, actions, or simply their presence.

We are sheep, and we have shepherds through our priests. Allow the good priests in your life to lead you in your faith. They are more than just men who celebrate sacraments. They are men striving to live holy lives and lead us to do the same.

Through our baptism, we share in Christ’s priesthood, prophetic office, and kingship. In living holy lives, we too are able to live out this priesthood and be shepherds to others.

How can I better recognize those who shepherd me and be a better shepherd to others in my life?

Lord, I thank you for those who lead and have led me, especially priests. Please help me to be led and be a leader to others in the faith. Amen.

Brittany DeHaanBrittany DeHaan grew up in San Antonio, Texas and attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She taught at a Catholic elementary school in Iowa for a year before moving to Florida in 2021. She taught at St. Paul Catholic School in St. Petersburg for two years before joining the pastoral center where she is currently the Communications Coordinator. She is passionate about her faith and loves to be involved in the diocese. She loves music, art, playing sports, and livestreaming Geoguessr in her free time.