Accepting the Invitation
"A man gave a great dinner to which he invited many. When the time for the dinner came, he dispatched his servant to say to those invited, ‘Come, everything is now ready.’ But one by one, they all began to excuse themselves." (Luke 14:16-18)
"A man gave a great dinner to which he invited many. When the time for the dinner came, he dispatched his servant to say to those invited, ‘Come, everything is now ready.’ But one by one, they all began to excuse themselves." (Luke 14:16-18)
Invitations come in many ways. A birthday celebration, hangout with friends, or having dinner with someone. And by accepting, we are expected to show up and be present physically and mentally. But, what if you were to be invited to a wedding, and the day of said wedding you tell the couple, “Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t go. I have to wait for the repair guy. He’s coming between 1-4pm. Hope you accept my absence.” As audacious as it sounds, this is what Jesus was talking about in the Gospel.
We are the people being invited and God is hosting the great dinner, or in other words, the Mass. And, similar to the people invited in the parable, we fall into this trap of complacency. We are invited to Mass so often (at least weekly) that we begin to forget its significance. We may start to treat it as a routine, like an oil change for a car rather than a wedding that deserves our full attention. If we downplay it, coming up with excuses or being absent-minded during, then we aren’t invitees at that moment. We may as well be a sack of potatoes.
We are called to this special event by God Himself. As such, we must respect the invitation and do our best to show up. As humble invitees to this “dinner” called Mass, how will we respond? By attending fully in mind, body, and spirit, or looking for ways to excuse ourselves, either physically or mentally?
How can we be fully invested in the invitation God has given us? How do we demonstrate our participation in his invitation to Mass?
Lord, continue to inspire us in our daily lives and lead us to be active participants in mind, body, and spirit to your invitations. Amen.
Cristina Gutierrez is a Florida native who has walked the Catholic faith since she was born. She is inspired by so many in her life, especially her mother, whose faith she sees as a beautiful example to follow. She is a huge nerd, loves to watch movies and read books, and is interested in trying any kind of mac & cheese.