Praying for the End of Abortion
A Letter From Bishop Gregory Parkes
A Letter From Bishop Gregory Parkes
September 27, 2023 | Join us as we unite with many other cities for a peaceful, prayerful, pro-life outreach: 40 Days for Life. We pray that this effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our community.
September 27, 2023 | Join us as we unite with many other cities for a peaceful, prayerful, pro-life outreach: 40 Days for Life. We pray that this effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our community.
I am writing today to express my support for a life-saving prayer project that is taking place in our Diocese from September 27 through November 5, 2023.
40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign that generates measurable life-saving results. So far, 40 Days for Life campaigns have been conducted in over 8,000 communities in 64 nations. More than 18,000 children have been reported as saved from abortion. Local abortion numbers have dropped – as much as 28%. Post-abortive women (and men) are finding healing and forgiveness. Almost 5,000 people have prayed at one of our three vigil sites in the Diocese of St. Petersburg since the beginning of 40 Days for Life in Pinellas County in 2008 and Hillsborough County in 2010.
40 Days for Life is a cross-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components:
- Prayer and fasting: Inviting people of faith throughout our city to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion
- Peaceful vigil: Standing for life through a 40-day peaceful, prayerful, public witness outside (Locations and links to participate are listed below.)
- All Women’s Health Center (4131 Central Ave. St. Petersburg)
www.40daysforlife.com/StPetersburg - Women’s OB/GYN Center of Countryside (28960 US 19 North, Clearwater) www.40daysforlife.com/Clearwater
- Tampa Woman’s Health Center, Inc. (2010 E. Fletcher Ave, Tampa)
- All Women’s Health Center (4131 Central Ave. St. Petersburg)
- Community outreach
All participants are asked to sign a statement of peace in which they pledge to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner. Signs, handouts, and other materials are carefully selected by our diocesan Office of Life, Justice, and Advocacy.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop Gregory Parkes