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 | By Sheri Wohlfert

How the Holy Spirit Can Guide our Children

On my wedding day, I couldn’t fathom loving someone more than I loved my husband. The beautiful thing about that love is how it multiplied and spilled forth in the gift of our children and later in life it multiplied even more in the gift of our grandchildren. I am continually amazed at the way the Lord increases the capacity of my heart. If you’re a parent, you’ll understand this truth, but what is a little trickier to understand is how the depth of our love is not even a drop in the ocean compared to the love the Father has for us. And his most tender offering of love for us is the gift of his Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is meant to guide, form and lead us to heaven. Our mission as parents is to help our children grow in holiness. The Holy Spirit, our Advocate, stands at the ready as we go about this important work each day. In this crazy world our children need God’s truth, so he sends the Holy Spirit which fills us with the wisdom, direction and patience we need to guide our children toward the truths of our faith. Here are some ways the Advocate can help.



The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to give us the grace, wisdom and knowledge to make the right choices and grow in holiness. We tell our children to “make wise choices,” so we should encourage them to ask the Holy Spirit to help with choices that include everything from taking an exam to having kind conversations to choosing which activities and friends are best.


There are no magic words for receiving help from the Holy Spirit. When our children are tempted,  discouraged, confused or unsure, encourage them to simply call out for help. The prayer can be as simple as, “Holy Spirit help me.” Since the Holy Spirit is the giver of words and knowledge, they can call on the Holy Spirit before writing, texting or speaking and ask that their words be Christlike and peaceful. The Advocate is a powerful partner during important or difficult conversations.


We can’t see the Holy Spirit, but the influence in our life is noticeable if we know what we’re looking for. Sometimes the Holy Spirit comes as an idea or thought that helps us make the right decision. Sometimes the Holy Spirit offers clarity or direction in the words of a song or a line from Scripture. Sometimes it’s the people in our path who direct, correct or encourage us. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your children and help them be attentive to his promptings.


The Holy Spirit is constantly at work, but we sometimes use words such as fate, luck or coincidence to describe this work. A proper perspective helps children realize it is all God working through his loving and powerful Holy Spirit. And the more they look for how the Holy Spirit arranges, inspires and participates in their day, the more they will recognize his work. Make it a habit of talking as a family about how the Holy Spirit has been at work in your lives.


The Hebrew word for “holy” means “set apart,” and we want to be set apart from the world so we can belong to God. If there was an assistant available to help us do a super tricky job, we’d snap up that help in a blink. In the work of getting to heaven, the Holy Spirit is our great helper. As a family, lean on the helper with this simple prayer: Come Holy Spirit. Come now. Come as you will.

Sheri Wohlfert is a Catholic wife, mom, grandma, speaker and writer. Catch her blog at

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