FAQ on the 2025 Eucharistic Encounter
Who is this event for?
Eucharistic Encounter is for anyone interested in a great experience grounded in an encounter with Christ and with other people who share that interest.
How can I buy tickets?
Space is limited with 7,400 tickets already reserved as of March 19th. Tickets are free, but you must register and present your emailed response before entry. Click here to register today!
Who will be speaking?
The following speakers and performers are scheduled to appear:
- Most Rev. David Toups| Bishop of Beaumont
- Fr. Mike Schmitz| Bible in a Year
- Matt Maher| Musician
- Sr. Bethany Madonna, SV| Sisters of Life
- Dr. Edward Sri| Theologian and Author
- Shevin McCullough | Musician
- Gus Lloyd | Emcee
- Fr. Carlos Rojas | Pastor of St. Rita Catholic Church, Dade City
- Ricky Vazquez | Musician
What will this experience be like? How is it different?
This event is focused on showcasing truth, beauty, and goodness in a fresh way that will resonate with the culture. Other unique aspects of the event are the excitement and energy, venue, the interactive multi-media elements, and outstanding musical performers.
Do I need to be Catholic to attend?
This event is for anyone who feels interested or called to participate, regardless of faith background.
Will there be reserved seating for large parish or school groups?
A reserved seating system is not being used for this event. It is recommended for groups who wish to “save” seats for those they wish to sit with.
Do clergy need to register?
Yes. Space is limited to 15,000 and we need to count every person who will be entering Amalie Arena.
Do clergy need to sign up to con-celebrate Mass?
Yes. Plans are being made now for the Mass. We will email all priests who have registered and provided their email as we approach the event date.
Where do I learn about the event schedule?
The schedule is still being planned. We will email registrants as the timeline is finalized. Please visit dosp.org/encounter as the event date approaches for more information.
What if I reserve a ticket and then need to cancel?
Please let us know if you cannot attend, so we can make room at the event for our waiting list.
What do I need to bring to the event?
An open heart to receive what God is ready to give you on this day.
Will this be live streamed or recorded?
At this time, the event will not be livestreamed. We are working with the Arena and individual speakers and performers concerning recording rights.