We Cannot Be Silent
Armed with prayer, definitive language, and educational materials, faith leaders, churchgoers, and community members are strengthened in their resolve to fight Amendment 4 this November.
Armed with prayer, definitive language, and educational materials, faith leaders, churchgoers, and community members are strengthened in their resolve to fight Amendment 4 this November.
Last Tuesday evening, more than 100 people participated in an ecumenical prayer service held by the Catholic Diocese of Saint Petersburg’s Office of Missionary Discipleship. The service offered a safe space for all who joined to pray, sing and listen to several faith leaders from across our Diocese speak about the importance of defeating Amendment 4. If Amendment 4 passes, it will erase pro-life protections by inserting language into the Florida Constitution prohibiting regulation of abortion, while also allowing late-term abortions and eliminating laws requiring parental consent and safety protocols for women.
Monsignor Robert Morris, Vicar General for the Catholic Diocese of Saint Petersburg welcomed the faithful in prayer and introduced the four speakers presiding over the evening, Scott Mahurin, Director of Florida Preborn Rescue, Sara Johnson, Grassroots Director of No On 4 Florida, Deacon Rick Wells, Chancellor for Canonical Affairs for the Catholic Diocese of Saint Petersburg, and Eric McEwan, Pastor at New Creation Family Church.
Intercessory prayers were led by Dr. John Robert Hamill, President of the Tampa Bay Guild of St. Philomena, a chartered guild of the Catholic Medical Association, Pete Mishler, Elder at Gulf Coast Community Church and Chairman of the Board of Directors at The Next STEPP Center in Saint Petersburg, and Linda Mason, Director of Mary’s Outreach for Women.
Dr. Armando Chavarria, Executive Director of Missionary Discipleship for the Catholic Diocese of Saint Petersburg is hopeful that all come to understand the truth behind the language included in the amendment. “Saying ‘no’ may sound like we are trying to limit our freedom, which is what the amendment is trying to argue, but in reality, saying ‘no’ is about using our freedom to protect life,” he explained. “Voting ‘no’ on 4 will allow us to uphold the sanctity of life.”
Defeating Amendment 4 is a community effort that requires courage. Dr. Diane Gowski, a retired Hospitalist, member of the Pro-Life Steering Committee for the Florida Catholic Conference, and a parishioner at St. Cecelia Catholic Church in Clearwater, attended the Tuesday evening prayer service. After the service she urged those who can vote to take action. “We cannot be silent. We cannot be neutral,” she said. “We have to let our voice be heard and speak up for the unborn who can't speak for themselves.”
Dr. Gowski ended by reiterating our diocesan vision in her statement, “Don't be silent, just take courage. That’s our diocesan message, right? Courageously Living the Gospel, and the Gospel message is to protect the unborn and defenseless.”
We encourage all those who believe in protecting life to learn the facts about Amendment 4 before casting their vote. Information, resources, and additional articles can be found at www.dosp.org/voteno.
The recording of the Tuesday evening prayer service is available on the Diocese of Saint Petersburg’s website at www.dosp.org/livestream.