| Teresa Peterson

“We Are Here to Listen” USF Students Participate in the Vatican Synod

Last week, students at the University of South Florida were asked to share their joys and sorrows about the Catholic church because Pope Francis wants to hear what they have to say. Many of the students were surprised by this invitation.

“Our small group leaders heard the students say over and over that they had never been asked these questions before. They were grateful for the opportunity to provide their insights and this experience helped them to feel that the Church cares for them and what they have to say,” said USF Catholic Student Union’s Campus Minister Carly Bosse.

The students gathered in small groups at the Marshall Student Center on Campus, February 16th and February 18th, for conversations facilitated by various ministry leaders.

Ryan Phelan, diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry served as one of the facilitators. He admits it was a humbling experience to be open to what the young people had to say and to possibly hear negative comments.

“I was a little nervous about how the conversations would go. However, I found the conversations to be fruitful. Both with those who are practicing Catholics and those who are non-practicing or non-Catholic. It was special to get their insights, and also see the questions they have about the Church,” said Phelan.

Some of the questions revolved around the Sacraments and how they help us on our spiritual journey.

“We were able to engage in a dialogue that really was enlightening for all of us.  They wanted to be heard but they also wanted to listen. It was an open dialogue,” added Phelan. He said he had never been part of such a dialogue with people from other faith backgrounds.

The listening sessions at USF are part of the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality called for by Pope Francis. Through listening and discernment rooted in the Holy Spirit, the entire people of God have been called to contribute to the Synod process by which the Church deepens in understanding of Her mission and looks toward the future.

Father Kyle Bell, Director of the Catholic Student Union at USF, organized the listening sessions at USF with the help of his leadership team on campus. He described the events as “beautiful days of dialogue and conversation.”

“We are here to listen. We are letting the campus community know that we want to hear from them. We seek to love them well as Jesus loves them well,” added Father Bell.

Catholic Campus Ministry at USF is made possible by the generosity of CSU Benefactors, and in part by donors of the Catholic Ministry Appeal. Learn more about the Catholic Student Union at USF here.

Learning More | What is a Synod?

A Synod is not just a convening of Bishops reflecting on a particular topic, such as the Synod on the Family. A Synod is also a journey of discernment, in which the people of God are called to pray, listen, share and reflect upon the Holy Spirit’s will for the Church. A Synod is not about changing Church teaching but about listening to what the Holy Spirit is speaking into the hearts of the people. The Synod on Synodality is the fruit of the Spirit and the discernment of our Holy Father reading the signs of the times. He states, “It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.”

Listening Session - Synod at USF

To learn more, visit www.JourneyingTogether.org