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 | Florida Council of Catholic Bishops

Urge Your U.S. Senators to Vote "No" on the (Dis)"Respect for Marriage Act"!

From the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops

September 13, 2022 | In response to the lifesaving overturning of Roe v. Wade, Congress – instead of stepping up to assist women and children in need – is moving furiously to lock in other anti-family priorities. The “Respect for Marriage Act,” for example, would prevent states from restoring the authentic understanding of marriage between man and woman if given the opportunity by the Supreme Court. Moreover, it could even require the federal government to honor polygamous “marriages” in states that move to allow it. No one should be mistreated because of their differences. But, as Pope Francis has said, children have a right to a mother and a father, and we must never stop advocating for marriage, in which children do best. 

Further, it is critical to protect freedom for people like small business wedding vendors and faith-based foster care agencies who serve their communities. Please tell your U.S. senators to vote “No” on the poorly named Respect for Marriage Act.

Please see the USCCB’s recent letter to Congress on this legislation here


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