Statement on Defeat of Amendment 4 from Bishop Gregory Parkes
Today, I rejoice with all people of goodwill in Florida with the news that Amendment 4 was defeated on Tuesday, November 5th.
Today, I rejoice with all people of goodwill in Florida with the news that Amendment 4 was defeated on Tuesday, November 5th.
This deceptive and dangerous amendment would have enshrined unregulated abortion into our state constitution. This is an affront to the right to life upon which our nation was founded.
Our nation’s Declaration of Independence states that we are endowed by God with certain unalienable rights, among which includes the right to life.
Our Church teaches that life is a gift from God and that we are to cherish life from conception to natural death. Though Amendment 4 failed to pass, it still received a majority of the vote. Therefore, we recognize that there is still much to do in building a culture of life here in our country.
Under the current Florida law, which remains in place, an abortion can be performed to protect the mother from serious and permanent health consequences. There are exceptions to the six-week abortion ban, including for rape, incest, or human trafficking. Additionally, Florida has increased state funding for vital pregnancy and parenting support.
As we look forward to a time when all abortions are unthinkable as well as illegal, I pray that Catholics and all people of goodwill recognize the dignity of human life in all stages of development and that we will accompany and care for those in need, including pregnant women and mothers, who are courageous in their journey and committed to protecting the lives entrusted to them.