Responding to God’s Grace
Over the past few weekends, parishes across the Diocese have held their first Commitment Weekends for the inaugural Catholic Ministry Appeal. As part of the process, Pastors introduced the new appeal, shared their thoughts about the change during Masses and invited their parishioners to join them in supporting it.
“God’s Grace is real and effective, brothers and sisters. God’s Grace is at work in the world and in our lives. And though we sometimes doubt, or are resistant or reluctant to follow that Grace, God calls you and I to go deeper,” said Father Victor Amorose, Pastor of St. John Vianney Parish in St. Pete Beach during his homily. “I think the way the Lord is inviting us to do that, today, is through the Catholic Ministry Appeal.”
To hear more from Father Victor’s homily, watch the video below:
In response to homilies like Father Victor’s and the good work being done through the Catholic Ministry Appeal, many families at St. John Vianney have made their commitment bringing the parish to almost 70% of its goal in a short period of time. Father Victor looks forward to exceeding the goal in the coming weeks.
When asked why he and his family choose to support the appeal, Mark Dufva, parishioner at St. John Vianney, shared that it allows him to “carry out the work of Jesus, by serving the most vulnerable and supporting the poorest of the poor.” To learn more about why Mark and his family support the appeal, click on the video link below:
The Catholic Ministry Appeal provides direct support to ministries such as our local Catholic Charities Ministries of Mercy, Catholic schools and centers, seminarian education and formation, youth and young adult programs, and many more. Across our diocese, more than 8,000 families have already made a commitment. These gifts will fund efforts that nurture spiritual life, embrace God’s call to serve and accompany missionary disciples.
To learn more about the Catholic Ministry Appeal and the incredible Catholic ministries it supports, visit dosp.org/catholicministryappeal.