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Reaffirming our Commitment to our Faith and Each Other

The Catholic Ministry Appeal, our diocesan-wide appeal supporting more than 25 different ministries, charities, and programs throughout our five-county diocese, has launched for 2024.  These shared ministries are vital to keeping the faith alive as we courageously live the Gospel and lead others to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. 

“Our appeal is not just a campaign. It’s an opportunity for us to reaffirm our commitment to our faith and to each other,” said Bishop Gregory Parkes. “One gift can truly change thousands of lives.”

Whether providing support for the education and formation of our seminarians studying for priesthood, forming eight men for the permanent diaconate, or ensuring our Catholic Schools remain strong in education and faith formation to our youth, or shelter for more than 1,500 clients and 214,000 meals through the food and health services of Catholic Charities, Shelters of Hope, the Catholic Ministry Appeal supports large efforts and outreach which cannot be funded by one parish alone. It gives all 80 parishes and missions a chance to not just sustain but expand essential services as we reach out to those in need with compassion and love. 

The success of our appeal since its inception in 2022 has also allowed our Diocese to invest in new ministries to serve the faith community like the Eucharistic Encounter last Fall. The event brought more than 700 people from 65 of our parishes together for a transformational experience as another 700 joined through livestream to renew their devotion to Jesus and the Eucharist.  Upon leaving, Deacon Rafael Ferris, Jr. of Sacred Heart Parish in Tampa shared his appreciation, “Thank you for bringing us here today and allowing us to participate in this. I thank our Diocese for hosting this – I hope to see more!” 

And by joining together for this year’s Catholic Ministry Appeal, we will see more. 

Last year, thanks to the generosity and support of over 22,000 donors we surpassed the target goal and raised over $9.5 million. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the dedication and commitment of our faith community. 

“I invite you to prayerfully consider how you can participate in the appeal. Your generosity today ensures the continuation of the mission that Christ entrusted to his church, the mission of compassion, service, and salvation,” said Bishop Parkes. “Your contributions, no matter the size, contribute to the greater good and help build a stronger, more compassionate future.” 

For more information and a complete list of ministries funded by the Catholic Ministry Appeal, visit