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 | Katie Camario

Finding Healing through Jesus Christ

February 28, 2023 | Since she was eighteen years old, Kathy Pulido struggled with feelings of blame and hurt, following the miscarriage of her daughter.

“I lost her due to medical reasons, which I understand now it's more common, but back then I didn't,” said Pulido. “I held all the blame, all the hurt feelings that I couldn't do anything for her.”

Two years ago, she began to heal from the trauma through therapy but recognized something else was missing.

“My really good girlfriend, decided that maybe I needed to come back into the Church and truly find my faith,” she said.

The now, thirty-four-year-old says she grew up in a Catholic household, attended Mass with her parents throughout her childhood, but never received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

“They decided when they got married that that was something they weren't going to force on me and my brother,” she said. “I left my parents’ home at eighteen and I no longer went to church.”

Following her friend’s advice and invitation, Pulido attended Mass for the first time in over a decade and the message she heard transformed her.

“It brought me to tears honestly, when I heard that first sermon,” she said. “I'm healing myself internally from losing a daughter at eighteen and realizing it wasn't my fault and being at peace with that.”

Since that day, Pulido hasn’t missed Sunday Mass at Resurrection Catholic Church in Riverview FL. She enrolled in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a process of conversion and study in the Catholic faith for those who will receive Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist at the Holy Saturday Easter Vigil. 

On February 26th, she and 353 other adults and young people from 56 parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, participated in the Rite of Election prayer service. Bishop Gregory Parkes recognized and welcomed them as they continue on the path to becoming Catholic.

“I pray and I ask God to continue to work in each of your lives. As He has called you and invited you to be here today, may He continue to work in your life, so that you may grow in your relationship with Him and through your life, the way and that you live your life that you might always give glory and praise to God,” Bishop Parkes said.

Pulido and those gathered were called “Elect” for the first time and it was acknowledged that they will be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil.

It's something Pulido is looking forwards to and is happy to be sharing with her new found faith family who have walked with her as she grows in her faith. She's thankful for their efforts and says she is finding true healing and peace through Christ. 

“He's there for you, He's there to help you and to guide you and that everything in the long run is going be okay. That no matter what, He's there, He will always be there. You just have to keep your heart open to Him,” she said.



Rite of Election 2023