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 | Teresa Peterson

Local Judges and Lawyers Humble Themselves Before God

“We Need the Help of the Lord”

Judges have an important role in society as they determine facts, ensure justice, and make decisions that are far-reaching. This is why they are treated with such respect and honor in the courtroom. On February 11th, local judges and attorneys gathered for the Red Mass at Christ the King Parish, in Tampa to give honor and praise to Jesus and seek the Lord’s guidance and blessing upon their lives.

“None of us can do what we do on our own. We need the help of the Lord,” said Father Tim Corcoran, a retired federal judge who later in life entered the seminary and became a priest. He is one of the organizers of the Red Mass, a special celebration for the legal community. The Red Mass is named for the fire of the Holy Spirit and the robes worn by the clergy.

For judges and attorneys who are Catholic or other Christian denominations, the Red Mass represents a time to be strengthened by the grace of God.

“I think it's a beautiful opportunity to receive the Lord's blessing so that we can do good work throughout the year, and I think that it's nice for the lawyers and the judges in town to be able to get together in this holy place and receive that blessing,” said Jennifer Gabbard, a judge of the Florida 13th Circuit Court who served as a lector at the Red Mass.

Bishop Gregory Parkes presided at the Mass and delivered the homily. He urged legal professionals to avoid becoming desensitized by the many challenges they face and to always view the people they encounter as souls that need to be served instead of problems that need to be solved.

“For those in the legal field, every case file represents a person with hopes, fears, and a story that is known only fully to God. Justice without mercy can become cold and harsh. Mercy without justice can become permissive and unjust. But when justice and mercy meet, as they do in the heart of Jesus Christ, something extraordinary happens, true peace flourishes,” said Bishop Parkes.

He also encouraged attendees to stay close to Christ to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit that will equip them for their challenging work. 

“The sacraments, Scripture, and daily prayer before you undertake your duties should not be distractions from your work, but rather they are the necessary tools, I believe, of wisdom and courage that your work demands,” Bishop Parkes stated. 

 He finished his homily with inspiring words to encourage them to be the men and women of faith that God created them to be. 

“As you leave this church tonight, carry with you the words of the prophet Micah (6:8). What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Speak the truth, even when it is unpopular. Defend the dignity of every person, especially the voiceless and the vulnerable. Let your integrity be above reproach, so that others see in you, not just a competent professional, but truly a person of faith, hope and love,” said Bishop Parkes.



To view photos of the Red Mass, click on the arrows below. 

Red Mass 2025