| By Keishla Espinal 

Her Goal: Unwavering Faith

Emma Schweitzer, a 19-year-old soccer player at Ave Maria University recalls the moment when things clicked, and she gave her “yes” to the Lord.

“On the first phone call with the Ave Maria coach, he said his goal was to help each woman understand and live her identity as a daughter of God through collegiate soccer, “said Schweitzer. “The thought of this truly inspired me to continue in my Catholic faith in college and grow as a daughter of the King through the sport that I love and continue to play.”

Schweitzer graduated from Tampa Catholic High School in 2023. She was raised Catholic and went to Mass on Sundays but says she only went through the motions at Mass until high school. 

“I was very curious about my faith but never sought it out on my own until later,” she added. 

After eighth grade, Schweitzer encountered many struggles when her family moved from Ohio to Florida. 

“I faced a lot of adversities, and this move challenged me as a person. I had to trust in something that I didn’t see and put everything into God’s hands,” she said.

While she began to trust more in the Lord, she found it hard to integrate school, sports, friends, and prayer life. 

“In high school, I always had my friends, faith, soccer, and school separate, but it never flowed together, and that’s what was missing,” said Schweitzer, who grew up attending St. Timothy Catholic Church, in Lutz.

However, through prayer and a strong support system, she has grown closer to Christ, and this has given her a greater purpose.

“God works through mysterious ways, and the way God provides even amid confusion and sorrow has shown me that He is there dwelling in the tabernacle, burning with love for you,” said Emma Schweitzer. “Saying ‘yes’ to the Lord influences my faith life and continues to be uncomfortable because that is where growth lies, not in the comfortable times.”

The 19-year-old has played soccer since she was five. She is now a rising sophomore at Ave Maria University. 

“Being able to glorify God through soccer is amazing and very life-giving. I was blessed to be a starter on the team and glorify God through my gifts and talents.”

Unwavering faith and a welcoming community have made a huge difference as she continues to navigate life. 

Schweitzer wants everyone to remember to “pray, pray, pray, and keep praying. My biggest advice is to continue to talk to our Lord honestly and reverently. If things aren't going your way and you are frustrated, tell Him. Be honest with Him and ask Him to help you in your life and during this season of busyness.”