“Guadalupe: Mother of Humanity" Film Opens in Theaters in the United States on February 22, 2024
The long-awaited new documentary feature "Guadalupe: Mother of Humanity" will be released in U.S. theaters on February 22nd, in its original version with English subtitles, according to a spokesperson for Goya Producciones.
The long-awaited new documentary feature "Guadalupe: Mother of Humanity" will be released in U.S. theaters on February 22nd, in its original version with English subtitles, according to a spokesperson for Goya Producciones.
On the same day it will also open in hundreds of theaters in Mexico, Central America, Puerto Rico, Bolivia and Chile. In the rest of Latin America (Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay) the film will premiere on February 29th, and in Spain on March 1st. On March 14th it will be released in Argentina and Paraguay, and in May the movie will hit theaers in Brazil.
Shot on location in Mexico, the United States, Spain, and Germany, the feature film opens with powerful fictionalized recreations of the five apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Guadalupe in 1531, inspired by the original true account of Saint Juan Diego. Directed by Spanish filmmaker Pablo Moreno, the film stars the popular actress Karyme Lozano as the hostess, Angelica Chong as the Virgin of Guadalupe, and Mario Alberto Hernandez as Juan Diego, all three of them Mexican performers.
Several testimonies were filmed in the United States, including that of a Hollywood producer who owes his life to Our Lady of Guadalupe, a movie actress who prays to Her in the midst of the hustle and bustle of filming, two converts from crime and drug trafficking, and that of an abortionist who regains her faith and the desire to live thanks to Our Lady. The Archbishop of Los Angeles, Monsignor José H. Gómez, testifies to the miracles attributed to the Virgin of Guadalupe in this city.
Director Andrés Garrigó shows us the dramatic history of pre-Hispanic Mexico at the time of arrival of the Spaniards and how, after the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the people abandoned in masse the bloody human sacrifices to embrace Christianity.
With the help of the latest technologies, the film reveals the messages hidden in the tilma, the miraculous cloth on which the image of the Virgin Mary was captured: the human images that appear in her eyes, the meaning of the stars and other drawings on the mantle, and even the music that emerges from its golden proportions.
Mario Alberto Hernández, the actor who plays the indigenous Juan Diego, commented at the end of shooting: "For me Juan Diego is a real-life superhero and his great powers are the patience he had, the humility and the great faith and will to do it".
"With this movie, we set ourselves a very high goal: to recreate in the hearts of people today the marvelous effect that the apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe had 500 years ago. We can now offer many people the joy of experiencing them again”, states director Andrés Garrigó.
Goya Producciones' previous feature film, “A Father's Heart” ("Corazón de Padre"), was a great success in theaters in Europe and America. In the United States, for example, it was shown in 750 theaters and became the 6th most viewed film in the country.
"With this Guadalupe film, we hope to surpass these records, and contribute to making Our Lady of Guadalupe better known and loved throughout the world,” concludes Garrigó.
The list of theaters and their schedules will soon be available on the website: www.guadalupethemovie.com (www.peliculaguadalupe.com for the Spanish version).