| By Brittany DeHaan

Five Ways to Strengthen Your Faith this School Year

As the school year begins, whether you are a student, parent, teacher, or none of the above, our lives go from the relaxation of summer to busy in the blink of an eye. From school or work to extracurriculars, there is always something going on, and prayer can easily take a backseat if we aren’t careful. Here are five tried and true ways to keep your faith strong even in the busyness of the school year.

1. Schedule time to pray each day (even if it’s short).

More important than anything else we may have going on in our lives, having even a short conversation with God is crucial. You can pray while you’re getting dressed in the morning, while you’re in the car, while you’re taking a shower or brushing your teeth, even simply telling God, “Good morning, please be with me today,” when you first wake up. Find the times where you can acknowledge God’s presence, and be consistent with it.

2. Turn everything you do into prayer.

Saint Josemaría Escriva once said “Add a supernatural motive to your ordinary work and you will have sanctified it.” We all have duties and responsibilities that can become prayers if we offer them to God. Before you begin a task, make the sign of the cross and invite Him into it with you, then offer the task to Him. Here is a simple example, but you can make it your own:

Dear God, please be with me as I do __________.

I offer this time spent doing ___________ as a prayer in order to bring you Glory. Please help me to do this to the best of my ability. Amen.

3. Be sure to attend and participate in Mass each week.

Aside from it being required by the Church, attending Mass on Sundays is important. It is the time in which we receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in the Eucharist and we receive graces from God that assist us in following His will. Attending Mass is necessary for our souls and God deserves our worship.

This needs to be our priority. With the wide variety of Mass times available at parishes throughout the diocese, find a time at your registered parish or one nearby that fits your schedule even if the weekend is busy.

4. Ask a Saint to walk with you throughout the day.

The Catholic Church recognizes that there are holy men and women in heaven whom we are able to call upon and ask to pray for us. Do some research about the Saints and find at least one that speaks to you. Maybe one is the patron of something you enjoy, of something you are doing, or shares your name. Whatever the reason, ask them to pray for you throughout the day. You’d be surprised how helpful this can be.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • St. John Baptist de la Salle (Patron of teachers)
  • St. Gianna Beretta Molla (Patron of parents)
  • St. Isidore of Seville (Patron of the Internet)
  • St. Joseph of Cupertino (Patron of studying and tests)

5. Grow closer to Mary.

For many of us, Mary may seem like an unrelatable woman because she is the Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, but she is so close to each of us and leads us closer to Jesus. We are all her children, and she loves us with a mother’s love. Mary walks with us as we go about the day.

There are many ways to grow closer to her. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Ask Mary to pray for you throughout the day
  • Pray a decade of the rosary
  • When you have a moment, pray a Hail Mary (even if it’s silently on the way to class or work)
  • Ask her to comfort you when something doesn’t go well and to rejoice with you when something does.

The busyness of the school year may make praying more difficult, but taking time to focus on the Lord is important. Take the time to focus on God and allow Him to transform your day.