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 | By Katie Camario

Extending God’s love and mercy

"To extend God’s love and mercy as revealed in Jesus Christ to all people" — this is the driving force behind Sister Sherly Vazhappilly, F.S.S.E.'s dedicated service as the Associate Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. Celebrating her one-year anniversary, she shares past highlights, impactful moments, and hopes, offering advice for young women and their families considering a religious vocation.

Reflecting on the past year, how has your journey been, and what is your favorite part of this new role?

Reflecting on my past year, I am amazed at how God has blessed me in ways I never thought possible. I have had great opportunities to collaborate with our vocation team in promoting, fostering, and inviting women to various events to nurture their vocational call to the consecrated life. The Diocese of Saint Petersburg always supports the vocation “To extend God’s love and mercy as revealed in Jesus Christ to all people.”  

My favorite part is promoting awareness of consecrated life and supporting potential candidates by sharing my own vocation story. 

Could you provide some effective methods for Catholics to encourage young women to discern their potential calling to religious life? 

There are many ways to encourage young women to discern their calling to religious life. Spending time with our Lord in daily prayer is very important. Reading the Holy Bible and talking with Jesus as if He were your best friend. Receiving sacraments regularly can be effective for discernment. Having a spiritual director helps individuals to follow God’s will. Calling on Mary, pray three Hail Marys every day, specifically to know your vocation and to courageously follow that call. Ask your vocation director for advice and attend retreats.  

What indicators should young women pay attention to when considering a calling to become a religious? 

Some of the indicators young women should pay attention to are a strong desire or attraction to prayer and a strong desire to give their lives to God and His Church. 

For parents who might have reservations about their daughters entering religious life, what advice or reassurance can you offer? 

My advice to parents is to give their daughters a solid foundation in their faith and life. God desires their daughters to be happy, and God has a plan for them. Engage them to read Bible passages of Jesus calling His disciples. Make sure you support them with your prayer by saying “I will pray for you and support you as you enter into a consecrated life.”   

What are some common misconceptions about being a nun or a religious sister you often encounter, and how do you address them? 

One common misconception about being a nun or a religious sister I often encounter is “I am not good enough or holy enough to pursue my vocation.” Nobody is perfect except God Himself! Jesus called His disciples, who were tax collectors, fishermen, and weak people. When Jesus calls, He will make you strong through discernment and formation. Another misconception I encounter is “Am I going to be happy without children?” Being a religious sister, I can tell you I have not a few children, but thousands of God’s children whom I serve in the Diocese of Saint Petersburg.  

What tips do you have for young women who are in the early stages of discerning their vocation and may feel uncertain or scared? 

Commit to discern between six months to a year. Develop a prayer life to deepen your relationship with God, receive sacraments regularly, find a good spiritual director, and start to visit different religious orders. Once you grow in clarity about your call, you will experience a sense of peace and joy. Don’t be afraid to make decisions based on what God desires for you! 

Listen to God’s voice through prayer and discover God’s will for your life. Remember each one of us is called to holiness.