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 | Arthur Lichte

Celebrating a Legacy of Leadership: Installation of Father Anthony Ustick and Dedication of Pastors Wall at St. Timothy's

On September 15th, St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Lutz, FL, celebrated a significant milestone as Father Anthony Ustick was officially installed as pastor by Bishop Gregory Parkes of the St. Petersburg Diocese.

The day marked not only the beginning of Father Ustick’s new role but also served as a tribute to the legacy of pastoral leadership that has guided the parish throughout its history.

During the ceremony, Bishop Parkes expressed his confidence in Father Ustick’s ability to lead the parish, stating, "Father Anthony brings a deep love for Christ and a heart for service to this community. I am confident that under his leadership, St. Timothy's will continue to flourish as a place of faith and compassion, where the Gospel is lived out every day."

Father Ustick’s installation came at a time of renewal and growth for the parish community. His commitment to fostering faith and strengthening community ties resonated deeply with the values upheld by the many pastors who had previously led St. Timothy's. Parishioners welcomed Father Ustick with great hope, looking forward to continuing the rich tradition of spiritual guidance and service under his leadership.

As part of the celebration, a special wall at the back of the church was dedicated to honor the pastors who have shepherded St. Timothy's over the years. This legacy wall, displaying portraits and names of each pastor, now stands as a visual reminder of their contributions and as a source of inspiration for all who pass by.

A wall at the back of the church was dedicated to all of the pastors in the church's history.
Bishop Gregory Parkes, assisted by Deacon Mike Ryba, blessed the wall of pastors in the back of St. Timothy Catholic Church. | Photo by Tom Boudreaux.


Bishop Parkes highlighted the importance of the dedication, saying, "This wall is a beautiful tribute to the pastors who have faithfully served this parish, each leaving their unique mark on the lives of the people here. It is a reminder that leadership in the Church is not about one individual, but about a legacy of faith passed from one pastor to the next."

The dedication of the legacy wall went beyond merely acknowledging past leadership; it served as a testament to the lasting impact these pastors have made on the lives of parishioners and the wider community. Each pastor’s unique leadership left an indelible mark on St. Timothy's spiritual journey, guiding the faithful through times of both joy and challenge.

The community gathered with a sense of gratitude and hope, celebrating not only the installation of Father Ustick but also the legacy built by those who had come before him. It was a poignant reminder that the strength of a parish lies in the faith, dedication, and unity of its people, guided by the devoted leadership of its pastors.

Reflecting on the event, Bishop Parkes added, "As we look forward to the future with Father Anthony, we also give thanks for the pastors who came before him. They have laid a strong foundation of faith, and I trust that St. Timothy’s will continue to be a vibrant and welcoming parish for many years to come."

St. Timothy's parishioners embraced this momentous occasion as they honored the past, celebrated the present, and looked forward to the future with renewed faith and unity.