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 | Brittany DeHaan

Celebrating Catholic Education

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National Catholic Schools Week in the United States takes place the last week of January each year, providing an opportunity to celebrate all that makes Catholic education meaningful. 

Each day of Catholic Schools Week has a specific theme provided by the National Catholic Education Association. This theme becomes the focus for individualized school activities and events. The following themes have been provided for this year: 

Sunday, January 26: Celebrating Your Parish 

To kick off the week, schools will be recognized and celebrated at parish Masses. 

Monday, January 27: Celebrating Your Community 

Serving others is a key aspect to Catholic education. Schools are encouraged to spend the day performing food drives, showing support to community members such as police officers, or performing other acts of service. 

Tuesday, January 28: Celebrating Your Students 

Catholic school students work hard and accomplish many great things throughout the school year. Schools are encouraged to spend the day celebrating achievements, growth, and the talents of their students through a variety of fun activities. 

Wednesday, January 29: Celebrating the Nation 

This day is also recognized as National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools. Catholic School students, families, and teachers are encouraged to spend the day sharing the value of a Catholic Education with local, state, and national government leaders. 

Thursday, January 30: Celebrating Vocations 

Catholic education prepares students to discern their vocations and to use their gifts and talents to serve the Lord. Schools are encouraged to include special times of prayer for all vocations throughout the day. 

Friday, January 31: Celebrating Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers 

On this day, schools are encouraged to honor all those who help to support and foster the Catholic education students receive. Many schools invite students to write thank you letters or perform an act of kindness for their school staff. 

Saturday, February 1: Celebrating Families 

Family members are vital to the success of Catholic education. Families not only send their children to Catholic schools, but they contribute by teaching the Catholic values and faith at home as well. On this day, schools are encouraged to focus on the impact families have on their communities. 

Keep an eye on our social media throughout the coming week to see how our local Catholic schools are celebrating! 

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