Bishop Gregory Parkes Leads Annual Chrism Mass
April 5, 2023 | The annual Chrism Mass was celebrated on Tuesday, April 4th. Bishop Parkes consecrated the Sacred Chrism, a mixture of oil and balsam, which will be used for anointing during thousands of Baptisms and Confirmations throughout the coming year in local parishes.
April 5, 2023 | The annual Chrism Mass was celebrated on Tuesday, April 4th. Bishop Parkes consecrated the Sacred Chrism, a mixture of oil and balsam, which will be used for anointing during thousands of Baptisms and Confirmations throughout the coming year in local parishes.
The bishop also blessed the Oil of Catechumens, which is used to anoint those preparing to be baptized,and the Oil of the Sick, which is reserved for those who are ill or preparing to undergo surgery.
After the Mass, leaders from local parishes and missions received vessels of these Holy Oils to take back to their churches.
During the Chrism Mass, priests renewed the promises made on the day of their ordination and resolved to unite themselves more closely to Christ. The presence of much of the clergy in union with their local Bishop, along with the participation of the laity, provided a wonderful example of unity in our Diocesan Church.
This is one of only a few Masses during the year where all the priests of the Diocese are encouraged to participate in union with the Bishop. The assembly also honored priests celebrating milestone anniversaries of their ordination.
To view photos from the Chrism Mass, click the arrow in the image below.