Be The Voice- Catholic Days at the Capitol February 6 & 7
You are invited to participate in the political process with hundreds of Catholics from around the state!
You are invited to participate in the political process with hundreds of Catholics from around the state!
Catholic Days at the Capitol is a gathering that occurs each year during the Florida Legislative Session to advocate for the protection of human life and dignity as lawmakers continue the important work of shaping Florida’s laws and future for the common good.
Join Bishop Gregory Parkes and the rest of the Florida Bishops on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, and Wednesday, February 7, 2024, in Tallahassee, FL.
The event includes a briefing on key legislative proposals, a breakfast with the Bishops of Florida, legislative visits with the offices of state Senators and Representatives, and the Red Mass of the Holy Spirit. This is a great way to bring your voice and your values to the political process.
Registration closes on January 20, 2024. For more information and to register for this event click on this link.